Monday, October 10, 2016

Homebrew Race: Moon Elf

Hey everyone so, I like to make some homebrew content especially for 5th Edition D&D since it is fairly easy to customize for the kind of game you want to run. So I thought I would share some of that content with you. On occasion I will pretty the information up, and add some images. Now the images them self I don't own, and so this stuff should never be sold or used to misrepresent the IP they came from.

So that being said, I wanted a race called Moon Elf. What I landed on is fairly similar to the wood elf race in the Player Handbook, but there is some things flavor wise that are different. The Shadowmeld ability is inspired right out of Warcraft, and is meant to mimic the mask of the wild but in different fictional situations. An Wildspeaker is meant to represent a more mystical connection to nature and partial celestial origin. So check it out maybe you will find it useful for your games.

Moon Elf

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